Visions And Values


Scoil Íde Naofa Vision Statement

  • Acknowledge and respect the dignity, uniqueness and individual needs of our pupils and in doing so, develop the whole child, physically, intellectually, emotionally, creatively, spiritually and socially
  • Be caring, fair and committed to the best interests of our pupils and seek to motivate, inspire and celebrate effort and success.
  • Enable each child to learn and develop in a happy, safe, stimulating and mutually respectful environment
  • Establish a learning environment where pupils are active agents in the learning process and instil in them an interest in and love of learning
  • Develop each child as a social, literate and digitally responsible being who lives and co-operates generously with others and so contributes to the good of society.


The Board of Management, Staff and Parents of Scoil Íde Naofa are committed to:

Providing a broad and balanced curriculum that is holistic in its approach thus enabling each student to achieve their full potential

  • Continuing to provide Catholic Education and spiritual development enabling our pupils to celebrate the Christian vision of life.
  • Being a positive influence in the lives of our pupils, by exercising good professional judgement and by showing empathy in our practice
  • Being inclusive and welcoming of children from diverse, cultural and religious backgrounds
  • Cultivating positive relationships with pupils, colleagues, parents and the wider school community
  • Communicating effectively with pupils, colleagues, parents and the wider school community in a manner that is professional, collaborative, supportive, and based on trust and respect
  • Working in a collaborative manner in the interest of sharing, developing and supporting good practice and providing the highest quality of educational experiences for our pupils
  • Being committed to continuous professional development and reflecting on and critically evaluating our practice in order to ensure best practice
  • Being connected to our local community and being supportive of local initiatives
  • An cultúr agus an teanga gaelach a chothú agus a úsáid
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Handa’s Surprise
The Three Little Pigs
Hot Chocolate & Gingerbread Men
Scoil Íde Naofa Kilmead,
Co. Kildare.

© 2025 Scoil Íde Naofa Kilmead